赵软金 Dr. Ruan Jin Zhao

赵软金博士,1984年河南中医药大学本科毕业,同年考入北京中医药大学师从著名中医伤寒泰斗刘渡舟教授,获得医学博士。1993年在佛罗里达成立中医诊所,建立了安发拉自然药物公司,也是美国H. Lee. Moffitt癌症中心合作伙伴。赵博士是北京中医药大学第二批临床特聘专家,河南中医药大学海外教授。在学术方面,他建立了针对肿瘤的神香温通疗法,著有英文著作《From Legend to Science》,发表相关论文多篇。
Dr. Ruan Jin Zhao is the director of The Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Inc. in Sarasota, Florida. He is the owner of AnFaLa Pharmaceutical Corp. After over thirty-five years of heavy clinical practice, he invented and established the Shen Xiang Therapy for Cancer treatment by waking up the immune system, which helps and saves many cancer patients' lives. He earned his Ph.D. from the Beijing University of TCM and Pharmacology in 1990. He is an affiliated member of H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, abroad clinical specialist for Beijing University of TCM, and a professor of Henan University of TCM. He also engaged himself in Lab research work, the teaching of TCM, published many research articles, and authored the book From Legend to Science. He is one of the co-founders of East and West College, a well-known school for acupuncture and natural medicine in Florida.



Acupuncture and herbal treatment of peripheral nerve damage

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a very common clinical issue, which affect more than 20 million people. It is a multifaceted, still unsolved issue. Symptoms of PN can be vary according to the type of neuropathy. The large heterogeneity of disease-causing mechanisms and the pathology of PN is still elusive and clinically there is no effective therapy. It is valuable to explore and improve the efficacy of modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine for PN. This lecture is to introduce and explore how the acupuncture and herbal therapies can effectively treat the PN. Especially, focus on the sensory and motor neuropathy.