陈红Dr. Hong Chen

泸州医学院中医系本科, 成都中医药大学获妇科硕士, 广州中医药大学中西医结合皮肤病学博士,师从国医大师禤国维教授,从事结缔组织病的研究。 擅长治疗不孕不育,以及皮肤科常见病,如湿疹,银屑病,白癜风,脱发,妊娠并发皮肤病等。 于纽约大学医学院完成博士后研究工作。 现于Miami开诊,是成都中医药大学及美国大西洋中医学院客座教授,发表论文40余篇。
Dr. Hong Chen got MD in Luzhou Medical College. She received her master’s degree in Gynecology at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese medicine. She did the research for treating peri-menopausal syndrome. She received her Ph.D. degree in dermatology from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She did the research for connective tissue disease.  She was successful in treating women’s issues and common skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, alopecia, as well as intractable skin problems such as those caused by autoimmune diseases. She did post doctor fellowship at New York University Medical Center. She is a guest professor in Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has published more than 40 professional articles.



TCM Treatments for Eczema

Chinese medicine and acupuncture treat the different stages and different patterns of eczema.