刘宁,教授、主任医师、美容中医学顶级专家、主要创始人。现工作与成都中医药大学“美容医学教研室” ,附院医学美容科 ,成都中医大华神医疗美容医院院长. 刘教授从事医学美容临床、教学、科研30余年。先后获四川省美容中医学、美容外科学、美容皮肤学三学科的主诊医师、评审专家。现任全球华人医美与健康协会副会长;国际针灸美容协会执行会长;世中联针灸埋线专业委员会副会长;中国整形美容协会中医美容分会副会长;中国针灸学会经络美容专家委员会副主任委员;中华中医药学会中医美容分会名誉副会长;中华医学会医学美学美容学分会三届常委;国家卫计委医学美容核心专家;原国家医学考试中心中医美容专家组组长;北京同仁堂海外中医美容首席专家、顾问;现任四川省整形美容协会副会长;成都市医疗美容产业协会名誉会长;成都中医药大学美容医学专业创始人、附院医学美容科创始人。曾参与主编《美容中医学》和《现代美容医学》等专业教材8部。2003年起,在全国科学技术名词审定委员会指导下,主持审定《医学美学与美容医学学科名词(定义版)》的 “美容中医学”词条。研发上市的美容产品包括消斑口服液、痘清宁粉刺凝胶等。刘教授是四川西婵整形美容医院主要创始人, 曾多次在海外国际会议、电视、报纸等媒体讲座。在全球行业提出“6.18世界爱美日”“美欲是人的基本需求之一”“美容医学是医学的高级阶段”等著名观点。是率先提出把成都打造为“中国第一美容城”“中国医美之都”概念的第一人。
About: Professor, Chief physician, President of Chengdu Huashen Medical Cosmetology Hospital of Chengdu Univ. of TCM, former Director "Dept of Aesthetic Medicine Teaching and Research " and the Dept of Aesthetic Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Univ. of TCM. He is the top expert and main founder of Aesthetic TCM. Prof. Ning Liu has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of Aesthetic Medicine for more than 30 years. He has been awarded as the attending physician and evaluation expert of Sichuan Province in three sub-disciplines, including Aesthetic TCM, Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology. Since 2003, under the guidance of the China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Tech., he not only reviewed a technical term that is “Aesthetic TCM” in the book of Cosmetic Medical Aesthetics, but also is the chief editor of 8 professional textbooks such as Aesthetic TCM and Modern Aesthetic Medicine, etc. Prof, Liu attended many overseas international conferences, TV, newspapers and other media have invited him to give lectures. In the global industry, he proposed many famous viewpoints, such as "6.18 World Beauty Day", "The desire to become beautiful is one of the basic needs of human beings", "Aesthetic medicine is the advanced stage of medicine" and so on. He was also known as the first person to propose the concept of city of Chengdu as "China's No.1 beauty city" and "China's medical beauty capital".
神经性皮炎是临床常见易复发的皮肤。本次讲座将从中医病因病机 、临床表现、鉴别诊断 治疗方案方法等方便,分享交流刘教授三十多年的实践经验。
Clinical experience of treating neurodermatitis with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Neurodermatitis is a common and recurrent skin disease. Professor Liu will Share his more than 30 years of personal practical experience from the aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, and treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine.