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钱德金先生与原中国推拿学会副会长 赵毅教授合著《一指禅推拿学》出版发行。该书结束了推拿本学科没有本专业理论的历史。钱氏一指禅推拿2017年被国家中医药管理局定为国家级继续教育项目。竖横针刺法已在世界各地开花结果,桃李满世界。

1. 学会治疗思维和理念。
2· 通过学认识到竖横针刺法是阴阳二大法,调节恢复阴阳失调。
3. 痛症就是阴急,阴满,横刺法是治痛症大法;痿证,阳虑阳萎,竖刺法是治痿大法。
4. 通过20个病例分析,做到对疾病治疗心中有数,较有目的去用针。
5. 提高临床检查意识,求因求本治疗疾病。

• 面部–包括:近视,飞蚊症,干眼症,鼻炎,周围性面瘫(附中枢性面瘫)
• 颈肩部:颈肌综合征(六型讲3型)
• 肩臂部:肩周炎,肩袖损伤,肱骨内、外上髁炎
• 腰部::腰痛,腰椎间盘突出症(坐骨神经痛)
• 膝部:内、外侧副韧带损伤
• 内妇科:痛经,腹直肌分离,便秘



会员$400, 非会员$480

Emerging Ethical Trends in TCM

Emerging Ethical Trends in TCM - Michael Taromina(NCCAOM律师)




Daniel Jiao NCCAOM Treasurer

  • 第一,当您每四年renewal 您的NCCAOM 证书时,每四年要求60个继续教育学分,其中2个职业道德与纪律学分,2个卫生清洁预防控制感染学分是必修课。所以本次年会针对此规定特别请到法律专家来为大家授课。
  • 第二,各位医师都具备丰富的中医针灸理论和临床经验,但是对于大多数人来说,法律的专业知识是我们的薄弱环节。生活在一个以法为本的国家,懂得法律使您的事业更蒸蒸曰上,生活更平安幸福。
  • 第三,Michael大律师专精中医针灸方法的法规制定,诉讼,法律二十余年,会和大家分享许多具体案例,当场回答大家的提问,听过许多次他的讲座,仍感远远不够,希望可以更深层次悟出其中的法律法则和原理,以利在真实的临床中举一反三,学法,懂法,保护好病人,雇员,家人,和我们自己的法律权益。
  • 第四非常难得请到这么专业的律师讲员。所以希望大家都来听,也敬请将以上的宣传单分享给其他的医生,金医生翻译的英语部分。好东西与大家分享,期盼更多的医生参加此课程。
  • 第五几周前在维州他的讲课中收集到了60多个问题。 所以,也将大家将您的问题可以发到群中,Michael讲员可以事先准备。谢谢各位

Michael Taromina

Michael Taromina是针灸和东方医学法律、道德和法规方面的专家。 二十多年来,他为美国 AOM 职业的进步和保护进行了诉讼、教育、倡导和写作。 迈克尔担任国家针灸和东方医学认证委员会职业道德和纪律委员会主席。 以此身份,他共同起草了 NCCAOM 的道德准则和纪律依据,目前负责监督全国各地不当行为案件的裁决。 Michael 还担任许多 AOM 州和国家协会的无偿法律顾问。


Stay ahead with the latest changes to the NCCAOM Code of Ethics and regulations. Gain expert insights from Michael Taromina, Esq. on avoiding legal pitfalls, while getting firsthand knowledge of disciplinary trends. Get ready to enhance your practice with proven risk management strategies.


美东时间11月16日  周四晚上 8:00点—11:00 点
北京时间11月17日    周五上午9点-12点




杨常青 Joseph Changqing Yang

杨常青 Joseph Changqing Yang

TCM Treatment of Depressive Mental Disorder
医学博士 加州执照中医师
Ph.D. L. Ac. CA






Course Introduction




本课程还将讲解中医对抑郁性精神病心理治疗进行讲解,内容包括中医心理治疗的技术要点,和临床操作技术。以及中医心理治疗对不同性格和心理能量的患者有不同的心理治疗原则和技巧。 本课程还将对有中医特色的情志生克制化理论和实践进行必要的讲解。


  1. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的病因和病机

  2. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的诊断和分析

  3. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的心理治疗原则

  4. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的心理治疗技巧


Course content:

This course will explain the main points and characteristics of TCM diagnosis of depressive mental disorder, as well as its connection with modern psychiatry, including the discussion of TCM etiology. Diagnosis of TCM will explain the three levels of TCM diagnosis of mental illness and how to combine it with organ pattern differentiation. The course will use clinical case examples as an explanation method to make the participants’ understanding of TCM diagnosis more specific and easier to understand.

This course will also explain the psychological treatment of depressive psychiatry, including the technical points of psychological treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and clinical operation techniques. And TCM psychotherapy has different psychotherapy principles and techniques for patients with different personalities and psychological energies. This course will also give a necessary explanation of the theory and practice of controlling and promoting of emotion with the characteristics of TCM.

Course purpose:

1. Understand and master the etiology and pathogenesis of basic depressive mental disorders

2. Understand and master the diagnosis and analysis of basic depressive disorders

3. Understand and master the basic principles of psychotherapy for depressive disorders

4. Understand and master basic psychotherapy skills for depressive disorders






  1. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的针灸治疗动神技巧

  2. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的针灸治疗选穴特点

  3. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的针灸治疗针刺技巧

  4. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的针灸治疗应用原则


Course content:

This course will explain the main points and characteristics of TCM acupuncture treatment for depressive mental disorders, especially the characteristics of moving shen in acupuncture treatment. This course will provide an in-depth explanation of the characteristics of acupuncture in the treatment of depressive mental disorders in TCM, including the mental energy of depressive mental disorders, that is, the type of shen, the selection of acupuncture points and specific acupuncture techniques. There are back acupoints, abdominal acupoints, as well as scalp acupuncture and ear acupuncture treatment techniques.

This course will also briefly explain the clinical treatment principles and precautions of Ben Shen Acupuncture, including the key points of acupoint selection, the proper use of manipulations, the sequence of acupuncture, the characteristics of the flow of Qi, and the use of acupuncture to guide Qi and regulate the shen. The combination of course content and clinical cases enables participants to fully understand and master what they have learned.

Course purpose:

1. Understand and master the basic techniques of acupuncture treatment for depressive mental disorders

2. Understand and master the basic characteristics of acupuncture point selection for depressive mental disorders

3. Understand and master the basic acupuncture techniques for treating depressive mental disorders

4. Understand and master the basic application principles of acupuncture treatment for depressive mental disorders






  1. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的方剂选择原则

  2. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的中药配伍特点

  3. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的治神方剂选择

  4. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的治神中药选择


Course content:

This course will explain the main points and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for depressive mental disorders, especially in the treatment of mental illness, it is necessary to understand the clinical characteristics of the patient’s mentality. This course will take mental energy, that is, the diagnosis of shen qi pattern as the key point of diagnosis, and systematically explain the TCM herbal formula and its modifications.

This course will also give examples of traditional classic therapeutic formula and analyze the compatibility principles and herbal medication characteristics of these prescriptions, so that participants can better understand the clinical characteristics of the divine prescriptions.

Course purpose:

1. Understand and master the basic principles of prescription selection for depressive disorders

2. Understand and master the basic characteristics of herbal medicine combinations for depressive disorders

3. Understand and master the selection of basic depressive mental disorder prescriptions

4. Understand and master the selection of basic herbal medicine for depressive disorders






  1. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的养生治疗原则

  2. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的四季养生特点

  3. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的养生治神方法

  4. 理解和掌握基本的抑郁性精神障碍的养生锻炼技巧


Course content:

This course will explain the main points and characteristics of TCM shen preservation for depressive mental disorder, which is one of the five basic treatment techniques necessary in TCM. This course will explain the relationship and skills of four seasons health preservation and mental health care, as well as understand and master the patient’s lifestyle and content, so as to make better suggestions for health preservation. The content of life includes the patient’s personal historical review, as well as the specific content of various aspects of the patient’s current daily life, so that the doctor can make targeted suggestions based on the principles of health preservation theory of traditional Chinese medicine, so that the patient can recover as soon as possible.

This course will also explain and demonstrate the self-exercise and health-preserving methods of shen, so that patients can carry out purposeful mental rehabilitation exercises according to their own conditions, which will play a very important therapeutic role in the treatment of patients. Exercise is not only a treatment process, but also a process of cultivating the mind and improving self-awareness, so that participants can actively use these exercise methods, make effective suggestions based on clinical mental diagnosis, and achieve therapeutic effects.



第一个小时Hour 1:抑郁性精神障碍的中医诊断

TCM Diagnosis of Depressive Mental Disorder

第二个小时Hour 2:抑郁性精神障碍的针灸治疗

Acupuncture Treatment of Depressive Mental Disorder

第三个小时 Hour 3:抑郁性精神障碍的方药特点

Characteristics of Herbal Medicines for Depressive Mental Disorders

第四个小时 Hour 4:抑郁性精神障碍的方药治疗

Herbal Medicine Treatment of Depressive Mental Disorder

第五个小时 Hour 5:抑郁性精神障碍的心理概要

Psychological outline of TVCM for depressive mental disorder

第六个小时 Hour 6:抑郁性精神障碍的心理治疗

TCM Psychotherapy for Depressive Mental Disorder

第七个小时 Hour 7:抑郁性精神障碍的养生概要

Summary of Health Preservation for Depressive Mental Disorder

第八个小时 Hour 8:抑郁性精神障碍的养生治疗

Health preservation treatment for depressive mental disorder



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