About Us

The “American Traditional Chinese Medicine Association” (ATCMA) is a non-profit organization registered January 2016, in Florida, U.S.A. under the name “American TCM Association” or ATCMA. The ATCMA is a professional association for the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) profession, established with strong support from the TCM American Alumni Association (TCMAAA), college faculty members and experts, and experienced practitioners.  The Association aims to become the leading professional organization for TCM practitioners in the U.S.

Note: TCMAAA was founded in 2014 by uniting the U.S. branches of twenty-five Chinese university alumni associations and several TCM professional colleges in the United States. This association promotes academic studies with renowned TCM experts and presents web seminars on platforms such as WeChat, which are hosted weekly by different academic institutions.   Recently, TCMAAA has received high acclaim in the TCM industry of the United States and gained further influence abroad.  

Board Member

Haihe Tian

President, In charge of the overall management of the ATCMA organization

Hui Wei

Executive Vice President and CEO: Supervise and coordinate business operations, and be responsible for human resources, academic conferences, commercialization, and international information exchange and cooperation, etc

Ying Fan

Vice President: Responsible for drafting and modifying articles of ATCMA, business regulations and standards, research and development, and publication of journals of ATCMA

Deguang He

Vice President: Responsible for supervising and auditing of accounting and taxes, and publication of a magazine, etc

Changzhen Gong

Vice President: Responsible for Education and publicize

David Wang

Vice President: Responsible for the formation and operation of academic committees, publishing, and editing, etc

Hui Ouyang

Secretary: Responsible for daily operations, including document editing, conference recording, public relationship, media, and advertisement, etc

杨常青 Joseph Changqing Yang
Changqing Yang

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