石学敏院士 Dr. Xuemin Shi

1962年毕业于天津中医学院。现任天津中医药大学第一附属医院名誉院长、教授、主任医师、博士生导师,中国针灸学会高级顾问,是国家有突出贡献专家,天津市授衔针灸学专家。石学敏院士是天津中医药大学第一附属医院针灸学科带头人,至今从医60年。从70年代初开始研究世界公认的三大疑难病之一的中风病(脑梗死、脑出血)的针灸治疗,创立“醒脑开窍”针刺法,开辟了中风病治疗新途径。80年代初创建的“针刺手法量学”,填补了针灸学发展的空白,并广泛应用于多种疑难杂症的治疗中。先后发明“脑血栓片”、“丹芪偏瘫胶囊”等药品,再结合“醒脑开窍” 针刺法针药并用,创立了“中风单元”疗法,为治疗脑血管病开创了新的思路。培养国内外硕、博士、博士后共300余名,发表论文百余篇,出版《中医纲目》《脑卒中和醒脑开窍》《石学敏针灸学(英文版)(法文版)(西班牙文版)》等著作50余部。  
 Xuemin Shi ,a world-renowned expert in Chinese medicine and acupuncture. He is a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, national master of Chinese medicine, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project of acupuncture and moxibustion, the founder of modern Chinese acupuncture, the winner of the National Outstanding Contribution Award of Chinese Medicine, and the winner of the honorary titles of "China's Good Doctor" and "The Most Beautiful Doctor" by the National Health Commission. Member of the first academic division of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Graduated in 1962, he is currently the Honorary President, Professor, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, Senior Consultant of the Chinese Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, an expert with outstanding national contributions in Tianjin.
 Dr. Xuemin Shi is the leader of acupuncture and moxibustion department at the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine. He has been practicing for 60 years. In the early 1970s, he began to study the acupuncture treatment of stroke (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage), one of the three major difficult diseases worldwide. The "Quantitative Science of Acupuncture Manipulation" created in the early 1980s filled the gap in the development of acupuncture and moxibustion and was widely used in the treatment of various intractable diseases. He successively invented medicines such as "Nao Xue Shuan Tablets" and "Dan Qi Pian Tan Capsules", and then combined "Xing Nao Kai Qiao" technique to create a "stroke unit" therapy, which created a new idea for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. He has supervised more than 300 master, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows at home and abroad, published more than 100 papers, and is the author of "Outline of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Stroke and Xing Nao Kai Qiao ", "Shi Xuemin Acupuncture (English Edition) (French Edition) (Spanish Edition)" and more than 50 works. 


Clinic research and basic science study of Xing Nao Kai Qiao technique


Since the early 70s, academician XueMin Shi has been dedicated to the study of stroke, and has gradually formed a set of standardized diagnosis and treatment system and evaluation system from the etiology, treatment principles, methods, treatment of complications and tertiary prevention of stroke, and introduced advanced research methods to reveal the mechanism of acupuncture in-depth and achieved fruitful results. He proposed the innovative understanding that the fundamental pathogenesis of stroke lies in “intermingled liver wind with phlegm and blood stasis clouding brain, resulting in the mind being blocked and the spirit being compromised, and the spirit not guiding the qi”. He proposed the treatment principle of “awakening the brain, nourishing the liver and kidney, and dredging the meridians”, and established the treatment of stroke based on the “brain theory”, with acupuncture points mainly from the Yin meridian and the Du meridian, and clear quantitative standard for acupuncture manipulation, changing the traditional principle of selecting Yang points and lacked clear quantitative norms. He creates the theoretical and technical system of ” Xing Nao Kai Qiao”. This technique regard acupuncture as main intervention, using Chinese and Western medicine, highlighting the characteristics of Chinese Medicine, utilizing advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion, implementing individualized plans, fully integrating the characteristics and advantages of various therapies such as Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Western medicine, rehabilitation, psychology, diet and preventive health care, focusing on the treatment of complications and comorbidities and tertiary prevention of stroke. These methods have formed a complete and comprehensive treatment system for stroke.