田海河,医学博士,教授,全美中医药学会ATCMA会长,美国中医校友联合会TCMAAA主席,北京中医药大学美国校友会会长,北京中医药大学临床特聘专家和美国中医中心指导专家, 美国中医针灸院校资格认证委员会ACAOM评审专家,洁针技术委员会主考官,美国针灸及东方医学考试委员会NCCAOM命题专家, 全美中医公会AAAOM常务理事, 世界华人中医师协会副会长, 世中联监事会副主席, 兼任内科、心身医学、传统医药分会等多个专业委员会副会长和常务理事。《中国结合医学杂志》审稿专家,世中联《内科学》主译,担任多个美国中医院校的博士班导师。现在美国佛罗里达州执业。
Dr.Haihe Tian, Acupuncture physician(FL), Ph.D., M.D.(China), Professor, President of American TCM Association(ATCMA), TCM American Alumni Association(TCMAAA), American Alumni Association of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; distinguished Clinical Expert of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Guiding Expert of American Chinese Medicine Center, Site Visitor of ACAOM, chief examiner of CCAOM Clean Needle Technical Committee, proposition expert for NCCAOM exams, executive director of AAAOM and vice president of the World Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine Physicians, Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(WFCMS), Vice President of Internal Medicine Professional Committee, Psychosomatic Medicine Professional Committee of WFCMS. An English reviewer of the "Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine", the chief translator of the core textbook "Internal Medicine" of WFCMS, and a doctoral tutor for several American TCM schools.
临床上有许多胃肠病(G.I.)疾病。 针灸和中草药可以为这类疾病提供很好的帮助。 克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎属于较难治疗的炎症性肠病 (IBD)。 本次讲座中将会介绍这些疾病的病因病理和中医治疗。
TCM Treatment for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
There are lots of gastroenterological (G.I.) diseases in the clinic. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can provide good help for them. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis belong to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which are very difficult to manage. The etiology and pathology of these diseases and TCM treatment will be introduced in the presentation.