杨观虎博士Dr. Guanhu Yang

杨观虎,日本金沢医科大学呼吸内科学博士, 美国辛辛那提儿童医疗中心呼吸生理学的博士后。北京中医药大学等十一所医学院校的客座教授,俄亥俄大学医学院临床教授,兼任世中联多个专业委员会副会长。2016年到2018年曾任全美中医药学会副会长。1985年毕业于浙江中医学院后进入南京中医学院攻读研究生,1993年由卫生部派往日本获医学博士。曾多年担任俄亥俄州SHI针灸学校校长。在美国拥有两家中医诊所,担任美国多家SCI杂志特约审稿专家,《中国针灸》杂志编委,参与主编和编译了11本中医和现代医学著作,并发表SCI为主的论文70多篇
Dr. Guanhu Yang graduated from Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MD) and Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MS) and served as Assistant Professor at Wenzhou Medical University. In 1993, Guanhu joined the staff of Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan, and from there he went to Kanazawa Medical University for his Ph.D. study in lung repair. After completing of his Ph.D., Dr. Yang continued his research in pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital as a postdoc and then research scientist.
Dr. Yang has been running two acupuncture clinics in Ohio, USA. He is currently a Clinical Professor (honored/endowed) at Ohio University, and Chair Professor of the US-China Joint Institute for Acupuncture & Rehabilitation Medicine at Wenzhou Medical University. Dr. Yang also served as director for the SHI acupuncture school, vice president at American TCM Association a few years ago, and supervised the doctoral program at the American Academy of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine and other 10 medical universities in the World. He is the president of the Chinese Medicine Luobing Society of America. During his career, Dr. Yang published 11 books and over 70 research articles on basic biology and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and work as an editor and reviewer for numerous renowned SCI journals. Dr. Yang also is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture. He also is Vice president of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine digestion Committee and Endocrine Committee.


纤维肌痛综合征 (FMS) 的原因很复杂,并且涉及人体的许多系统。中枢神经系统、免疫系统和内分泌系统通常存在一定程度的功能障碍。

Treatment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is crucial due to its complexity of possible causes as well as its comprehensive involvement of many systems of the human body. There is usually some level of dysfunction in the central nervous, immunologic, and endocrine systems which is superimposed upon the malfunction of many organs. In short, conventional medicine has not yet fully understood either the etiology or the pathophysiology of FMS. Thus, it has been a challenge to satisfactorily manage and cure FMS.

Today, both physicians and patients have experienced tremendous frustration from the poor treatment outcomes with the conventional methods, as well as the enormous economic burden incurred by ongoing medical costs and loss of income. Even the insurance industry has been severely challenged by the mighty costs generated by this condition. This predicament has created the need to conceptualize a new approach to provide a better method to manage FMS. The objective of TCM treatment principles is to create healthier homeostasis by identifying and correcting the body’s imbalances at different stages. Further, it also responds to increased imbalance needs, which were caused by the disease process.