简介 刘宁,教授、主任医师、美容中医学顶级专家、主要创始人。现工作与成都中医药大学“美容医学教研室” ,附院医学美容科 ,成都中医大华神医疗美容医院院长. 刘教授从事医学美容临床、教学、科研30余年。先后获四川省美容中医学、美容外科学、美容皮肤学三学科的主诊医师、评审专家。现任全球华人医美与健康协会副会长;国际针灸美容协会执行会长;世中联针灸埋线专业委员会副会长;中国整形美容协会中医美容分会副会长;中国针灸学会经络美容专家委员会副主任委员;中华中医药学会中医美容分会名誉副会长;中华医学会医学美学美容学分会三届常委;国家卫计委医学美容核心专家;原国家医学考试中心中医美容专家组组长;北京同仁堂海外中医美容首席专家、顾问;现任四川省整形美容协会副会长;成都市医疗美容产业协会名誉会长;成都中医药大学美容医学专业创始人、附院医学美容科创始人。曾参与主编《美容中医学》和《现代美容医学》等专业教材8部。2003年起,在全国科学技术名词审定委员会指导下,主持审定《医学美学与美容医学学科名词(定义版)》的 “美容中医学”词条。研发上市的美容产品包括消斑口服液、痘清宁粉刺凝胶等。刘教授是四川西婵整形美容医院主要创始人, 曾多次在海外国际会议、电视、报纸等媒体讲座。在全球行业提出“6.18世界爱美日”“美欲是人的基本需求之一”“美容医学是医学的高级阶段”等著名观点。是率先提出把成都打造为“中国第一美容城”“中国医美之都”概念的第一人。 About: Professor, Chief physician, President of Chengdu Huashen Medical Cosmetology Hospital of Chengdu Univ. of TCM, former Director "Dept of Aesthetic Medicine Teaching and Research " and the Dept of Aesthetic Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Univ. of TCM. He is the top expert and main founder of Aesthetic TCM. Prof. Ning Liu has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of Aesthetic Medicine for more than 30 years. He has been awarded as the attending physician and evaluation expert of Sichuan Province in three sub-disciplines, including Aesthetic TCM, Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology. Since 2003, under the guidance of the China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Tech., he not only reviewed a technical term that is “Aesthetic TCM” in the book of Cosmetic Medical Aesthetics, but also is the chief editor of 8 professional textbooks such as Aesthetic TCM and Modern Aesthetic Medicine, etc. Prof, Liu attended many overseas international conferences, TV, newspapers and other media have invited him to give lectures. In the global industry, he proposed many famous viewpoints, such as "6.18 World Beauty Day", "The desire to become beautiful is one of the basic needs of human beings", "Aesthetic medicine is the advanced stage of medicine" and so on. He was also known as the first person to propose the concept of city of Chengdu as "China's No.1 beauty city" and "China's medical beauty capital".
Clinical experience of treating neurodermatitis with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Neurodermatitis is a common and recurrent skin disease. Professor Liu will Share his more than 30 years of personal practical experience from the aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, and treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
简介 陈德成,医学博士(针灸学专业),纽约执照针灸师,美国纽约自然针灸健康中心院长,世界针灸联合会美国纽约中医针灸传承基地主任,美国中医针灸传承学会会长,世界中医学会联合会外治法专业委员会副会长,国内外多家中医学院客座教授。陈博士拥有长春中医药大学学士、硕士与南京中医药大学博士学位,在中国接受了多年的正规中医针灸教育,在此期间得到两位名师真传(长春中医药大学刘冠军教授与南京中医药大学邱茂良教授)。博士毕业后进入中国中医科学院,针灸研究所,副主任医师,2001年来美,具有30余年中医针灸临床经验。先后出版了《中国针灸独穴疗法》《中国针灸对穴疗法》《中国针灸美容抗衰全书》和《动筋针疗法》等17部中医针灸专著。还发表了100多篇中医针灸论文,现是著名奥斯卡导演和影星的中医保健顾问,曾受中国卫生部派遣出访多国讲学,临床,并为埃及总统穆巴拉克治疗。 About: Dr. De-cheng Chen has a Ph.D. in acupuncture. Licensed Acupuncturist in NY, He is the President of Natural Acupuncture & Wellness, Director of TCM and Acupuncture Inheritance base of NY, USA by WFAS. President of American TCM Acupuncture Inheritance Association, Vice President of External treatment committee of World TCM Pharmaceutical Association Federation. Visiting professor of many TCM colleges globally. After graduated from Nanjing Univ. of TCM in China, Dr. Chen followed several top Chinese doctors in China, including Drs. Guanjun Liu and Maoliang Qiu. Before arriving in US in 2001, he practiced and taught as a professor in The Acupuncture Institute of China Academy of TCM in Beijing. He has more than 30 years of clinical and teaching experience in China, Russia, Egypt, Dubai, U.A.E. and the U.S.A. He has published 17 books and more than 100 articles on Acupuncture and TCM, and has received numerous prizes and honors for his works. He even treated Egyptian President Mubarak in 1999 when appointed overseas as a doctor by China’s health department.
Clinical Thinking on Weight Loss in Traditional Chinese Medicine
The causes of obesity are complex and there are many ways to lose weight. TCM weight loss is characterized by physical and natural methods, in principle, physical methods such as acupuncture, massage, scraping, and cupping, as well as natural botanical conditioning methods based on syndrome differentiation and treatment of Chinese herbal medicine, which have the advantages of good curative effect and no side effects. much liked by the doctors and patients. However, TCM for weight loss also faces some questions that need to be considered. The author believes that weight loss requires comprehensive treatment. Diet guidance, appropriate exercise, and other specific methods can achieve satisfactory and stable results.
简介 教授,医学博士,美国明州执业中医师,全美知名中医针灸师和针灸学教授,美国OCOM博士班导师,中美针灸康复研究所的第一批特聘教授和专家委员会成员,广州中医药大学、新西兰中医学院等学校客座教授。海外华侨华人中医药 “百人百项”工程10名首批入围的海外中医药专家之一,世界中医论坛常务理事,世界中联青中会理事,广东省中医院第十一届“杏林寻宝”献宝专家之一。刘伟教授勤勉治学,功底深厚,推崇与精通古典针法,独创了刘氏头针,刘氏腹针,张力牵引针等五大原创针法系统和数十套原创针方,形成了自己独特的风格和系统,享有“针法大师”的美誉,长期致力于推动传统针灸的传承和发展。 About: Professor, PhD in Medicine, L.Ac in Minnesota, well-known acupuncturist and professor of acupuncture in US, a doctoral supervisor in OCOM in US; the first batch of distinguished professors and a member of the expert committee of the Sino-American Institute of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation; visiting professor of Guangzhou TCM Univ., New Zealand TCM Univ. and other universities; One of the first 10 overseas Chinese Medicine experts shortlisted in the “Hundred Talents and Hundred Items” project of Chinese Medicine; executive director of the World Chinese Medicine Forum; director of the World Federation of Chinese Youth Associations; an expert donated treasure in the 11th “Xinglin Treasure Hunt” of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM. Prof. Wei Liu is an expert in classical acupuncture and created at least five original acupuncture systems including his own style of scalp acupuncture, abdominal acupuncture, and tension traction acupuncture, among dozens of original acupuncture prescriptions, establishing a unique acupuncture style, which earned him the title of an “acupuncture master.” Prof. Liu has longingly sought to promote the inheritance and development of traditional acupuncture.
Zi-Wu Heaven Acupuncture – Clinical Thinking of Ren Du Meridian Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Professor Wei Liu, PhD in Medicine; licensed acupuncturist in Minnesota; well-known acupuncturist and professor of acupuncture and moxibustion in US, doctoral supervisor in OCOM in US; the first batch of distinguished professors and a member of the expert committee of the Sino-American Institute of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation; visiting professor of Guangzhou TCM University, New Zealand TCM University and other universities; One of the first 10 overseas Chinese Medicine experts shortlisted in the “Hundred Talents and Hundred Items” project of Chinese Medicine; executive director of the World Chinese Medicine Forum; director of the World Federation of Chinese Youth Associations; an expert donated treasure in the 11th “Xinglin Treasure Hunt” of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Professor Liu Wei is diligent in his field with a solid foundation. He is an expert in classical acupuncture. He has created five original acupuncture systems including Liu’s scalp acupuncture, Liu’s abdominal acupuncture, and tension traction acupuncture, and dozens of original acupuncture prescriptions. He has established his unique acupuncture style, which earns him the title of “acupuncture master.” Professor Liu has long been committed to promoting the inheritance and development of traditional acupuncture.
简介 山西省中医院原副院长,主任医师,全国名中医,北京中医药大学博士研究生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴专家,国家食品药品监督管理局保健食品审评专家,中国中西医结合学会消化系统疾病专业委员会顾问,中国中西医结合学会消化专业委员会消化心身专家委员会主任委员,全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师, 山西省中西医结合学会消化专业委员会主任委员, 从事中医临床工作50多年。创立“六位一体”理念治疗功能性胃肠病;“中西医融合整体识别心身胃肠病”;“二步灌肠法”治疗溃疡性结肠炎;研发制剂“珍珠舌草胶囊”治疗萎缩性胃炎30多年。研发《名医融智工作系统》,获国家版权局10个计算机软件著作权登记证书。 About: Chief Physician, former Vice Chair of Shanxi TCM Hospital. National Prestigious TCM Doctor of China. MD candidates’ tutor of Beijing Univ. of CM. China State Council special allowance expert. Dietary Supplements Review Expert of China State FDA. Adviser of Professional Committee of Digestive System Conditions, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine. Chair of Digestive Psychosomatic Conditions Expert Committee, Professional Committee of Digestive System, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine. Adviser of China National Project of Inheriting TCM Academic Expertise. Chair of Professional Committee of Digestive System, Shanxi Association of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Wujin Feng has been practicing TCM for over 50 years, and created “Integrative Six Factors” concept for functional gastrointestinal disease; “Two steps enema” concept for Ulcerative Colitis; and “Zhenzhu Shecao capsule” for Atrophic Gastritis, for more than 30 years. He also developed <Intelligent Medical Working System>, and owned 10 computer software copyright registration certificates from China National Copyright Administration.
The puzzles and solutions in treating insomnia
In this lecture, Dr. Feng will talk about the physiological factors of sleep, the causes and effects of insomnia, and the current treatments from both Western Medicine and TCM. I am also going to share my personal experience in this field.
简介 王永洲,主任医师,颊针疗法发明人,北京中医药大学首批特聘临床专家,广东省中医院王永洲学术经验传承工作室专家,法国中医学会会长,法国国际颊针学院院长,全欧洲中医药专家联合会针灸委员会主委,世中联适宜技术推广委员会副会长,自然疗法及骨伤研究会常务理事。 Yongzhou Wang, Chief Physician, Inventor of Jia Zhen technique, distinguished clinic expert of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, expert of Yongzhou Wang Academic heritage Studio of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, President of French Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, President of French International Jia Zhen Academy, president of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Committee of the Pan-European federation of consultants in TCM, vice-president of the Promotion Committee of Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology of WFCMS, and executive director of the Natural Therapy and Orthopedics Research Association.
Jia Zhen technique in treatment of allergic diseases
Jia Zhen has a good effect on allergic asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, eczema and other diseases. The author adopts a series of principles and measures to treat both body and mind to improve and improve allergic constitution. Grasp the new thinking of “allergy process”, provide a new perspective for the treatment of allergic diseases, and provide new concepts and visions for the precise treatment of allergic diseases.
简介 吕占平医师, 医学硕士;神经正骨学博士,1991至1994任美国南卡莱罗纳大学医学院任职客座教授. 1995年考入美国PARKER神经正骨(chiropractor)大学,1998年获博士学位,同时获得美国德州神经正骨科医师执照及针灸许可证,并在美国德州创立了新星自然医疗中心,2003年学习NAET技术,2014年通过考核成为NAET教师。2012年创立了美国德州自闭症与多动症研究所。 吕占平医师专著《 Say Yes to Natural Healing-NAET 》 2016年3月在美国出版。2022年5月与苏憬博士合著的《自闭症与顺势经络平衡技术》中文版在中国出版。 2015~2019与苏憬博士共同在中国北京等城市举办了10期顺势经络平衡技术初级及中级陪训班。2021年开启了ZOOM网络授课加带教老师实习的模式。 Graduating from Qingdao Medical College, Dr. Zhanping Lu stayed on to teach in the Department of Physiopathology after. In 1985, he was admitted to the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and was engaged in the research of cerebral microcirculation under hypoxia. He obtained a master's degree in 1988, then joined the Navigational Disease Research Center of the 401 Hospital of Qingdao, engaged in the research of cerebral microcirculation under hyperbaric oxygen state, and served as a clinician in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Department. In 1991, he went to the University of South Carolina School of Medicine as a visiting professor. In 1995, he was admitted to Parker College of Chiropractic (Parker University) in the Texas and obtained the doctorate degree in 1998. At the same time, he obtained the Texas Chiropractor License with acupuncture certification. He began to engage in Chiropractic and Acupuncture health care services, and founded the New Star Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Wellness Center in Texas. He studied NAET technology in 2003, and he learned NAET technology and passed the assessment in 2014 to become a NAET Instructor. In 2012, with Jing Su, Ph.D. they founded the Autism & ADHD Institute of Texas. Dr. Zhanping Lu has helped tens of thousands of patients relieved the pain by combining Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and FEAT/NAET Techniques. In 2007, he was named the best acupuncturist in City of Richardson, Texas; in 2013, he was named the best Chiropractor in City of Plano, Texas; in 2014, he was named the top natural medicine physician in the United States. New Star Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Wellness Center has been engaged in the clinical practice of natural medicine and the clinical application and theoretical study of Functional Entrainment Application Technique (FEAT®) & Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET®) for many years. Based on the research experience and results, Autism and ADHD Institute of Texas was established in 2012. The wellness centers and research institutes have pursed a planet of work in clinical practice and theoretical study over the past 10 years, and children with autism, ADHD and developmental delay treated with FEAT®/NAET® techniques have begun to gradually return to normal life. Dr. Zhanping Lu is author of "SAY YES TO NATURAL HEALING----CHIROPRACTIC, ACUPUNCTURE, NAET" and Chinese version of "Autism and FEAT", co-authored with Jing Su, Ph. D. From 2015, Dr. Zhanping Lu and Jing Su, Ph. D. co-authored the translation and editing of the training Book "FEAT®/NAET® ", and training classes were held in Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital/Beijing United University, Guangzhou University and Shenzhen from 2015 to 2019 . In 2021, the ZOOM online course was lunched. FEAT®/NAET® is currently listed as one of the natural medical techniques recommended by health care management in China. "FEAT®/NAET® " brings a breakthrough new technology to the treatment of allergies and allergic diseases; brings new hope to patients with autism, ADHD and emotional disorders; New thinking has opened up a window for the development of functional medicine and quantum functional medicine. New Star Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Wellness Center www.dfwacupuncture.net Autism & ADHD Institute of Texas www.autismtx.com
Allergies and principles of FEAT treatment for allergic rhinitis
The term “allergy” was first used by Australian paediatrician Clemen Von Priquet in 1906. He found that some patients had an abnormal reaction to certain substances, while most patients did not. So this abnormal reaction is an “altered reaction” , that is, an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction is caused by the body’s overreaction to certain substances, so it is also called allergy.
Modern medicine defines allergy as overreaction or hypersensitivity, that is, there are some physiological and pathological changes caused by the body’s allergic reaction to certain harmless substances.
FEAT believes that allergy is an overreaction caused by allergen information. The body sees allergens as risk factors, and when it feels its vibrational frequency or becomes aware of its presence, it has an overprotective response, including meridian “closing”, antibody production, chemical release, etc., triggers different pathological or psychological, emotional, and behavioral abnormalities.
When allergies occur, macromolecular food particles, or pollen, dust, etc., which are not fully digested, enter the body through different ways, induce the immune system to produce corresponding immunoglobulins, and sensitize the body. This process practice involves changes in the energy field (such as the electromagnetic field) of matter. We know that all matter vibrates at its own (natural) eigenfrequency (Eigenfrequency). The larger the particle, the more energy it vibrates. These particles, such as allergens, enter the body’s tissues and can come into contact with the body’s immune cells. Because the electromagnetic energy field of these particles is too strong, it interferes with the membrane potential of somatic cells and reduces it, and its frequency can enter the cells and cause allergic reactions.
Larger molecules of allergens do not need to enter the tissue fluid, but through contact or proximity to body surfaces (eg pollen, certain chemical products, etc.). This process should be that the natural frequency of allergens is transmitted directly through the water in the blood and tissue fluids, and through the nervous system and the body’s meridian system.
To apply FEAT therapeutic intervention, the body’s bioelectromagnetic field must be in contact with the natural frequency energy field of the allergen, the electromagnetic induction effect of bioelectromagnetic field interaction must be utilized. This allows the cells to repeatedly depolarize in a relatively short period of time, delivering the frequency of the allergen to be treated into the cells. Since the frequency of the allergen to be treated is the same as the frequency of the allergen on the sensitizing DNA, the two resonate, so that this specific frequency is broken and disappears, and the sensitizing DNA is decoded. Or the frequency of the allergen and the frequency of the allergen on the sensitizing DNA form a 180-degree inversion, forming a mirror phase frequency, thereby offsetting the frequency of the sensitizing DNA, so that the sensitizing DNA is decoded. Therefore, if you are exposed to the same specific allergen again, no antibodies will be produced, so the body will no longer have an allergic reaction.
Allergic rhinitis, also known as allergic rhinitis, refers to the release of mediators (mainly histamine) mediated by IgE after atopic individuals are exposed to allergens, and a variety of immunocompetent cells and cytokines are involved in the nasal mucosa. Non-infectious inflammatory diseases. There are three necessary conditions for its occurrence: the specific antigen is the substance that causes the body’s immune response; the atopic individual is the so-called individual differences and allergic constitution; the specific antigen and the atopic individual meet. Allergic rhinitis is a global health problem that can lead to many diseases.