Including $60 annually in 2024
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Including $60 annually in 2024


Continuing Education Credits




American TCM Association (ATCMA)
TCM American Alumni Association (TCMAAA)

Co-organizer(no particular order)

The Young Acupuncturists Association of America(YAAA)
New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(NYCTCM)
American TCM Society (ATCMS)
American Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (AACMA)
American Academy of Health and Wellness
Five Branches University
England journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM)
United Alliance of the New York State Licensed Acupuncturists

Essentials of Traditional Chinese Medicine
and Lectures by Renowned Experts

Articles and Requirements

1. The Scope of Content:
The contents related to TCM clinical practice, education, scientific research, Health Preserving (Yang
Sheng), Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, and Chinese Medicine Legislation are all in line of
consideration. The chosen articles will be published either in the Article Proceedings or in the US version
of The World Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is co-published by the World United Association of TCM
Association and American TCM Association.
2. Article submission requirements:
• The first page of the article should include the topic, name of the author, contact information and
abstract (within 300 words count in each Chinese and English version).
• Please email the article to hongjizhang78@gmail.com in the form of a Word document,
• In the Subject section of your email, please indicate: “Annual Congress article— Written by xxx”; And
please include your company name, address, telephone number, and email address in the email, for
communication purposes.
Deadline to be included in the Annual Congress Article Proceedings: October 15, 2023.

Seeking Advertising Sponsors

1. Gold Medal Sponsor: 1 space, $2,000, 3-minute presentation at Opening Ceremony, Naming Rights
(2023 American TCM Congress xx Company US Summit Virtual Conference), additional 20 minutes for
product introduction, premium location on the actma-us.org registration page.
2. Silver Medal Sponsor: 5 spaces, $800 each, 10 minutes for product introduction, large ad space on
atcma-us.org registration page.
3. Bronze Medal Sponsor: 10 spaces, $500 for each ad on the atcma-us.org registration page.
Companies who are interested in virtual Exhibition and advertising may contact Chief Advertising Officer
Dr. Jian Shu through email: jian_shu@hotmail.com

Refund Policy: Full refund 10 days in advance; no refund for less than 10 days. All refunds are subject to a handling fee of $50.00

Congress Organizing Committee

Chairman of Congress: Dr. Haihe Tian
Chairwoman of Organizing Committee: Dr. Hui Wei
Vice-Chair of Organizing Committee: Dr. David Dehui Wang
Consultant Committee: Dr.Arthur Yin Fan Changzhen Gong  Changqin Yang
Secretary in Chief: Dr. Ning Wang
Secretary Team: Zhe Huang, Dr.Chengchao Yin, Dr. Xiyuan Qiu Dr. Louis Jin,
  Dr. Suhong Xiao, Dr. Pukai Jin, Dr. Yiwei Wang, Dr. Ningjiang Cheng, Dr. Naiyuan Zhang
Chief Financial Officer: Dr. Deguang He, Dr. Wenying Lin, Dr. Jihong Ding
Chief Advertising Officer: Dr.Jian Shu
Chief CEU Credits Officer: Dr. Yarong Wang
Chief Media Officer: Dr. Hui Ouyang
Chief Translation Officer: Dr. Bing You
Chief Broadcasting Officer: Dr. Sizhe Lin
Chief Article Editing Officer: Dr. Zhanxiang Wang