Binjiang Wu

Binjiang Wu


Prof. Zhang Jin, the representative inheritor of “TCM Acupuncture ” in the

UNESCO Representative List of Human Intangible Cultural Heritage and the

representative inheritor of China’s national intangible cultural heritage acupuncture

and moxibustion project, defines Acupuncture manipulation technique as: It is the

technique of raising the meridian Qi in the acupoints, regulating the nature of

meridian Qi ( acupuncture sensation ) ( replenishing heat/cooling down), and

controlling the direction of conduction of meridian Qi (flying meridian and moving

Qi). Acupuncture manipulation technique is the science and art on the tip of the

Acupuncture needle.

Prof. Zhang Jin is the first drafter of the two projects of Chinese Acupuncture

Technical Operation Specifications, namely the National Standard: Basic Filiform

Needle Acupuncture and Filiform Needle Acupuncture Manipulation, and is the leader

of the contemporary school of Acupuncture manipulation technique . Acupuncture

manipulation technique is a “sacred art”. There is no one more qualified than Prof.

Zhang Jin at home or abroad who can truly master this skill, the profound theoretical

research, and the skill of using acupuncture to get cold and heat to control the

meridian Qi. Clinically, many years of experienced TCM acupuncturists have managed to

generate “hot” or “cold” experiences by needling patients, but this kind of

accidental occurance is difficult to repeat. Prof. Zhang Jin’s great contribution lies

fifty years of skill cultivation. he has researched and summed up the regularity of

Acupuncture manipulations technique , turning “accidental” into “reproducible”,

becoming the founder of the unique Zhang Jin acupuncture manipulation technique

school and a generation of acupuncture manipulations technique Grandmaster.


Zhang Jin, Acupuncture manipulation technique, School inheritance,

science and Art